
What happen when you spend a week between Metallica and Autocad? A Hard Rock tribute with little pretty flowers.

What do you get when you spend an entire week between the famous Autocad software and the even more famous hard rock band Metallica? 
The Impasse Boutron is a one-way road wich is approximatively 880 meters long. It leads to resodential appartments. Near it, there's a small fallow land : this is this place we have to make pretty. 
There're a lot of people walking through the Impasse Boutron, going to the train station (Gare de l'Est, one of the biggest station in France).
Actually, this is the fallow land. Before it, there was a gas station. 
So what's the link between Metallica and this project? 
In fact I'm a huge fan of this band and I wanted to make a tribute to this Hard Rock legend. If you don't know their music, there's often a synmphonic or melodic part, right before a more agressive riff. This structure has inspired me for the paths of my garden.
The two paths : one direct access to the Station, the other for a romantic walk.
As you can see, the gray path is straight and don't really care about the landscape : it even cuts the hills in half. 
The other, in brown and covered by gravel for a slower walk, run around the hills and trees. So, you have two ways to appreciate the park.
Metallicad, viewed from above
So, what happen when you walk on the direct path? As I said before, you can appreciate cutten hills, but the more interesting is what you'll found inside : the landscape is all artificial. The hills are just empty and are covering engines for irrigation and drainage. Another interpretation opposing the peaceful landscape to the working engines.
The hills are juste empty structures covered by metal mesh, terracotta and clay. They're very light and constantly irrigated. 
Thanks for watching, more details are coming!

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